play in a fun environment.
Why choose our childcare program?
Our quality sports programs, develops children’s physical fitness, whilst also promoting confidence, self-esteem, social connections, and leadership skills. We are passionate about introducing your child to age-appropriate sport activities in a supportive and fun-focused environment. Children enjoy playing different sports these include soccer, basketball, AFL, touch football, athletics, body pump as well as speed and agility. Children will have fun with their friends, while also focusing on teamwork and good sportsmanship, exploring new interests, developing athletic abilities, and building self-confidence. Team sports will help build coordination, motor skills, and a lifelong love of sports and a healthy attitude toward fitness.
46 weeks of fun and learning. We have aligned each session with the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority’s (ACECQA) National Quality Standards (NQS) and with the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). By integrating our IFA sporting program into your curriculum, you will be further improving your Quality Improvement Plan by following the National Quality Framework (NQF). Our program covers the following National Quality Areas: Quality area 1 – Educational Program and Practice Quality area 2 – Children’s Health and Safety Quality area 5 – Relationships with children Quality area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities.
Our programs promote • Positive health awareness and knowledge • Health and wellbeing programs that incorporate an early childhood perspective • Each session optimises the potential for children’s learning • Age-appropriate planned experiences that are educationally designed • Management strategies to improve class behaviour • How to scaffold and extend learning • Modelling appropriate language and interactions • Each child’s agency and positive dispositions towards health and wellbeing.
46 weeks of fun and learning. We have aligned each session with the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority’s (ACECQA) National Quality Standards (NQS) and with the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). By integrating our IFA sporting program into your curriculum, you will be further improving your Quality Improvement Plan by following the National Quality Framework (NQF). Our program covers the following National Quality Areas: Quality area 1 – Educational Program and Practice Quality area 2 – Children’s Health and Safety Quality area 5 – Relationships with children Quality area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities.
Our programs promote • Positive health awareness and knowledge • Health and wellbeing programs that incorporate an early childhood perspective • Each session optimises the potential for children’s learning • Age-appropriate planned experiences that are educationally designed • Management strategies to improve class behaviour • How to scaffold and extend learning • Modelling appropriate language and interactions • Each child’s agency and positive dispositions towards health and wellbeing.

Interpersonal skills
Teamwork ability
Health and good habits
Soccer Skills
What can your child learn?
You can take advantage of our childcare program either on a sessional basis or as part of a scheduled routine. Children will learn new skills through play and will develop existing skills.
In addition to learning great soccer skills, children become part of a cohesive group through teamwork. Our child care program is a great way to advance communication and interpersonal skills.
Through social interaction, we teach them to become the best they can be. We encourage children to develop healthy habits regarding fitness which can stay with them for life.
In addition to learning great soccer skills, children become part of a cohesive group through teamwork. Our child care program is a great way to advance communication and interpersonal skills.
Through social interaction, we teach them to become the best they can be. We encourage children to develop healthy habits regarding fitness which can stay with them for life.
Soccer program
IFA will teach your child to understand the rules of soccer and how teamwork feeds into to end goal. We help them to develop the physical and cognitive skills necessary to become a proficient player.
Whether they are new to the game or well along, we will work at their level and pace to help them to become the best they can be.
Multisport program
For very young children, we like to keep the play fluid and not too structured. Unstructured play aids social and emotional development, improved communication and cognitive skills. Multi sport is very child centred encouraging freedom of movement, expression and imagination. This type of activity also helps children to find their natural flair enabling them to tune their focus more finely.